Stop just doing stuff to be doing it 

Stop just doing stuff to be doing it 

Think things through. Don’t wing it throughout your life. Winging it is good to get yourself in motion. But once in motion, you have got to do something.

How much does it cost? When are you going to do it? What do you want? Are you clear? Be as specific as possible. How are you going to do it? 

We have to count up the cost and know what we’re doing before we do it. 

We need to know at least the first step. We should be thinking of the next steps. And we should be thinking how long this take. How much will it cost? 

We have these big plans but we don’t think things through. Anything we plan to do we need to sit down and write it down. 

Yes, think it through on paper. Always think on paper. Put your goal, dream, problem, anything you trying to do at the top of the page. 

Write down 30-50 solutions, 30-50 steps or 30-50 answers. Fill the page up. Don’t stop no matter how hard it is. The last thing you write down could be what you need to solve the problem you are working on. This works. I promise. Keep at it. 

This is your life. Don’t give up. Think through every step. Think of whose help you will need. Think about how much it will cost. Think about whose help you will need. Think it through. 

Most things take three times as long as we think. It cost three times as much. 

Things don’t tend to work out the way we want them to the first time. They just don’t. 

We need to learn from our mistakes and failures. The lessons that we don’t learn have to be repeated.