Push yourself to do more 

Push yourself to do more

We should push ourselves to go as far as we can.

I read years ago that we reach less than 20% of our potential. That means that we don’t reach 80% of our potential.  Wow. What a waste. 

Imagine what we could become if we use 75% of our potential. What if we could use 50% of our potential? We could do a lot more. 

We all have 24 hours in a day. Some of us accomplish a lot. Some of us don’t accomplish nearly as much as we could. 

Why is that? Why aren’t we doing more to accomplish our goals?  What happens when one person accomplishes their goals and the other person doesn’t? 

How do we become someone who accomplishes something vs someone who doesn’t? 

First take immediate massive action. 

Stop wasting time watching TV on social media. 

Get up early and start working on your goals. 

Evaluate your schedule for pockets of time you can be working on your goals. 

We can do more. We can do it. We have to believe we can do more, expect more and actually do more. 

Pushing ourselves will help us reach our fullest potential. It will build resilience. It will build confidence in us as we try new things and do more and more. 

Make a commitment to change your life. Start taking actions daily towards your goals. Brian Tracy said “do it now.” It is words to live by instead of saying you are going to do it. Go ahead and do it. Do it now, don’t wait. You can do this. 

Make yourself do it. Break big steps into smaller steps. Determine how long these steps will take you. See where in the day you will be able to accomplish these smaller steps. Make a commitment to do it today.

Be clear on what you want. Believe in yourself. You can do this. 

Start taking steps regardless of how small. 

Write down the steps you need to take. See yourself achieving your goals. See yourself already have achieved it. Try to do a little more than you think you could. 

After a little while, try a little harder, do 10x more than you think you can.

Measure everything. Give yourself a deadline. Speak as it is happening. 

Look at your goals daily. Take action daily. 

Have a good attitude. Expect to win.