Quiet desperation

Quiet desperation

Why do we live lives of quiet desperation?

We stay with someone who doesn’t want us or who we don’t want or both for fear of starting over or being by ourselves. 

We look at the worst case scenario instead of the best case scenario. 

What if we looked at it like we are supposed to be happy? We should be happy. We deserve it. We don’t have to stay where we don’t belong. 

We don’t have to settle. We can raise the bar for ourselves. We can take the time to heal and grow. 

We can take the time to love ourselves and take care of ourselves. 

Quiet desperation doesn’t benefit anyone. Everyone is not walking around unhappy. 

The kids suffer as their parents walk around quiet, frustrated, unloved, unappreciated, silent, and unnoticed. A sad situation indeed.  

Why don’t we care enough about ourselves to want more, expect more, to believe for more. 

Quiet desperation comes out of doing something over and over expecting different results.  

When in reality it is best to stop and ask yourself what you want. How do I go about getting it? Start saying to yourself I love you. I believe you. I trust you. You can do this. You deserve better.