

A routine is what you do every day. The biggest question to always ask is-is your routine serving you or not. I think we only make changes to our routine when it will benefit us. It is hard to change what we do every day even if we know we need to or have to to change our life.

Routine for me is getting up at 4:00am. It was easy at first. Sometimes it is rough because I am tired. I have learned to rest.  So I try to go to bed early so I can get up early. I get up early so I get stuff that is important to me done.  

I get the most done while the house is quiet and no one is talking to me.  I am also fresh and full of energy. I try to do this at night but I am usually exhausted and everyone is talking to me. 

I need quiet to focus. I do the same thing every morning at least six days a week. A routine typically starts with getting up early. Everyone is different. Do what is best for you. It may include meditation, exercise, journaling, reading, and working on important stuff. 

Routine is critical to changing your life and doing what you want to do. If you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same results. 

Routine is what you do every day often without thinking about it. We only can change it with intention.