

Mediocrity is where most people live their life. It is easy. It requires no effort. 

Mediocrity allows people to compare themselves to someone else and be satisfied. 

When you live in mediocrity you can do just enough to get by it better and be okay with it. 

Mediocrity allows us to lie to ourselves. 

Mediocrity says we’re doing okay. Mediocrity says it is enough. “We are doing enough.” 

Mediocrity says we are tired and we have done enough to get by. 

Mediocrity allows us to do nothing most days. If we try a little, mediocrity is okay. If we plan to try but don’t actually do anything, mediocrity is satisfied. 

Mediocrity wants us to talk about doing something without actually doing anything. Mediocrity is our worst enemy. It is almost happy because we have planned to do something for years but never actually done anything.

As long as we do just a little bit each year, mediocrity is happy.  

Mediocrity is deceitful. It makes us think we are doing something because we are always so freaking busy but we are just doing busy work but nothing that matters.  Nothing that helps us to reach our goals. Mediocrity has become the norm instead of the exception.