Take time to think

Take time to think

You get insights when you pray and think. Sit quiet and think. Things will come to you. 

Don’t underestimate the value of quiet time-taking time to think. 

We all need quiet time – No social media, no cell phones, no dings, no calls, no kids, and no spouse. 

Use quiet time to just think. What do you want? Why do you want it? Have you noticed you get all these great ideas while you are in the shower?  It’s quiet. 

All you hear most times is the water running. It’s quiet enough to get great ideas. 

Always sit down with something to write with and something to write on. I love a nice ballpoint pen and a nice leather journal. I have my favorite. Try out a few different pens. Try out a few journals. 

There are a ton of nice journals to write your multimillion dollar ideas down.

I know we are all busy with more things to do than time to do them but this is important. 

Think time is important no matter who you are – Your race, social economic class, political stance, creed none of it matters.

We can all benefit from sitting or walking and thinking. If you walk and think, record your thoughts on your phone if you need to. 

Driving is a lot harder to do and think. I know we do it. That is why we miss our exits, don’t know how we got home not listening when our kids or spouse is talking to us. 

Take time to think daily. It will change your life.