Question a business owner is always asking

How can we do this better?
How can we do this for less?
How can we do this quicker?
What is the process for doing this?
What problems are we solving?
What are the trends in the market?
How are things changing?
Are we prepared to trained?
Are my employees cross trained?
Can we do this cheaper?
Do we have unnecessary steps?
Do we have unnecessary people?
What is the bottleneck in my business?
Do we need to raise our prices?
Are we the best in our class?
Do we treat our employees go?
What is the experience of my customers?
What is the experience of my employees?
Is your business a commodity?
What is the ROI of each customer?
What is the LTV of each customer?
How much is a lead costing me?
Do I know where leads are coming from?
How long does it take for a customer to buy?
What is my customer’s journey?
What is my value ladder?
Do we have enough reserves for 5 years?
Have we created this business to sell?
Can this business run without me?
Who is the top 20% of my customers?
Are we training our employees to be the best?
Are we upselling each customer?
Are we asking for referrals?
Do our customers think of first for the services and products we offer?
Do we train our people regularly?
Have we eliminated unnecessary meeting?
Have we eliminated unnecessary emails?
Do we communicate with our staff?
Do we know where the fat in in our business?
Who is our avatar?
Are we serving them at the highest?
Does all of our employees know our missions and values?
Do we all really believe it?
Are we growing our leaders? Do we invest in them?

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