Customer service

Customer service

Customer service has went to the dogs. I have never seen so much bad customer service everywhere I go. 

Everywhere I go people treat the customers bad. I get it they deserve to be treated well. I get it that they showed up while others called in.

But doesn’t the customer who you are showing up paying for these services deserve to be treated with respect? 

I see people with air pods or some type of earbud in their ears. They don’t speak or acknowledge you. They act like they’re doing me a favor. 

I thought I was helping this business to stay open by coming there spending my money instead I was mistreated. 

I am rushed through the line. These people are not trained. They don’t know how to treat people. 

I get it they need to learn. We all know common courtesy. 

Good customer service is hard to come by in this day and age. It seems the workplace is full of young people. They are singing in the stores. T

hey are talking to each other like there is no one in the stores. They are neglectful. You can hardly get any help. 

Everyone seems to pass the buck to someone else in the store. I guess they think it’s okay to be disrespectful since we keep coming back. 

Employees complain to the co-workers like they would to their family-like the customers are not standing their living.

Have you experienced any problems with customer service since the pandemic? Has it gotten better?