Tips, Why do we tip? Tips,Who do we tip?  Who doesn’t get a tip?

Tips, Why do we tip

Tips,Who do we tip?  Who doesn’t get a tip?  Have we trained a culture to ask for tips? Is everyone getting a tip now? I am seeing it everywhere. For people, who take one step to get my food. I thought tips were for professional people who provide service like hairdressers, people who wash cars, […]

If you are suicidal or depressed

If you are suicidal or depressed Dial 911 Text 988 Call US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 900-273 Talk 800-273-8255 Talk to a Therapist or a Pastor Pray. God is there. He is always listening. Get up and take action every single day. Speak life over yourself. Don’t say anything about yourself that you don’t want […]

Don’t let anyone change you

Don’t let anyone change you. When I met my husband, I stopped wearing nail polish, lipstick, makeup anything about me that he didn’t like.  We have to be careful that we don’t try to change others. It is hard enough to change ourselves. Let people be who they are. Either you like them or you […]