Don’t let anyone change you. When I met my husband, I stopped wearing nail polish, lipstick, makeup anything about me that he didn’t like. We have to be careful that we don’t try to change others. It is hard enough to change ourselves. Let people be who they are. Either you like them or you […]
What do you want to change? What are you unhappy with? We don’t spend enough time here. This is not to be critical but to improve and to see where you are. We miss out on making ourselves better. We miss out on taking our lives to the next level. It’s easy to tell someone […]
You CAN do this. You have to keep showing up for yourself everyday because no one else is coming to save you. You CAN do this because you know you have to. The people you are called to serve are waiting. Don’t disappoint them. Don’t disappoint yourself which will turn into regret. You can do […]
For some reason, people think that life isn’t hard for everyone. It is. Life is hard for everyone. We all go through ups and downs. We all have had really dark times. There is no way around it. If you have a pulse, then you will have some dark days. The thing is having a […]
This has to be one of my favorite topics. It’s so easy yet so hard. We have to make sure we know where our time goes. Often we do not. When I do this demonstration, people are amazed at how much time they waste. We waste time due to boredom, lack of clarity of our goals […]
Don’t underestimate the greatness within you. You can do this. You are powerful beyond measure. One of my favorite quotes is by Marianne Williamson “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We […]