Think things through. Don’t wing it throughout your life. Winging it is good to get yourself in motion. But once in motion, you have got to do something. How much does it cost? When are you going to do it? What do you want? Are you clear? Be as specific as possible. How are you […]
Why do we live lives of quiet desperation? We stay with someone who doesn’t want us or who we don’t want or both for fear of starting over or being by ourselves. We look at the worst case scenario instead of the best case scenario. What if we looked at it like we are supposed […]
Mediocrity is where most people live their life. It is easy. It requires no effort. Mediocrity allows people to compare themselves to someone else and be satisfied. When you live in mediocrity you can do just enough to get by it better and be okay with it. Mediocrity allows us to lie to ourselves. Mediocrity […]
A routine is what you do every day. The biggest question to always ask is-is your routine serving you or not. I think we only make changes to our routine when it will benefit us. It is hard to change what we do every day even if we know we need to or have to […]
Love. This is a topic that leaves me speechless. I love love. I want to be in love. I want to love. I think that is what everyone wants – To be loved. I want to be loved. Love is a mystery. How you can meet a total stranger and over time with communication you […]
We spend so much time doubting ourselves. We have to believe in ourselves. We can do this. We have to keep trying no matter what. We have to keep at it until we get the results we want. Don’t put more faith in someone than you do yourself. You can do it. You can do […]
Stop trusting your inner critic. Fire your inner critic today. Stop listening to your inner critic. The only way to do this is to give it less attention. The inner critic’s job is to criticize you for all you do. It is never happy. Anytime you hear a negative voice in your head, realize it […]
You get insights when you pray and think. Sit quiet and think. Things will come to you. Don’t underestimate the value of quiet time-taking time to think. We all need quiet time – No social media, no cell phones, no dings, no calls, no kids, and no spouse. Use quiet time to just think. What […]
We have to stop looking to others for acceptance. Accept yourself. Don’t look to others for love. Start loving yourself. Stop trusting what others say more than you trust yourself. Trust yourself and your intuition. Look straight ahead at your goal and stay focused. Look up to God for help.