Starting a business is the easy part. Staying in business is a hard part. In order to start a business you need three things 1) A problem you can solve 2) People who will pay for the solution and know this is a problem and want to solve it 3) A solution to the problem. […]
Why are you doing what you are doing? It typically takes Whys to get to the root of it. (Your Real Why) What is your why? We do surface stuff that’s typically why we do what we do. A why is so personal. It’s different for everyone. Our why can only be determined by us. […]
Do you feel sad when you have thought too much about things you can’t change? How do you feel at the moment? We have to know it is normal to go through periods of sadness. It will come and go. It is important to talk about or write about how you feel. It is important […]
Write your goals down daily. I heard this from Brian Tracy years ago. It stuck with me. I have big goals. I keep them in front of me all the time. After I got clear on what I wanted, I wrote it down [my goal] in present tense beginning with I and ending with a […]
I love personal development. I listen to it every day. Every day I want to get better. Every day a little at a time. I don’t want to stay the same. Mediocrity doesn’t look good on anyone. We have an obligation-a responsibility to show up as our best self. Nothing less will do. I fell […]
Morning pages are three journal pages you write first thing in the morning. You write down any and every thing that comes to mind. There are no rules. It is called stream of consciousness. It is to clear your mind so you can focus on what is important. You are not supposed to take your […]
A routine is what you do every day. The biggest question to always ask is-is your routine serving you or not. I think we only make changes to our routine when it will benefit us. It is hard to change what we do every day even if we know we need to or have to […]
Tips,Who do we tip? Who doesn’t get a tip? Have we trained a culture to ask for tips? Is everyone getting a tip now? I am seeing it everywhere. For people, who take one step to get my food. I thought tips were for professional people who provide service like hairdressers, people who wash cars, […]
What happens when no one cares if you feel alone. You have to continue to sow seeds of what you want more of. When no one cares, we have to care for ourselves. We have to be thankful for what we do have. We have to look at our situation carefully and reasonably. Does someone […]
If you are suicidal or depressed Dial 911 Text 988 Call US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 900-273 Talk 800-273-8255 Talk to a Therapist or a Pastor Pray. God is there. He is always listening. Get up and take action every single day. Speak life over yourself. Don’t say anything about yourself that you don’t want […]