We have to stop looking to others for acceptance. Accept yourself. Don’t look to others for love. Start loving yourself. Stop trusting what others say more than you trust yourself. Trust yourself and your intuition. Look straight ahead at your goal and stay focused. Look up to God for help.
Customer service has went to the dogs. I have never seen so much bad customer service everywhere I go. Everywhere I go people treat the customers bad. I get it they deserve to be treated well. I get it that they showed up while others called in. But doesn’t the customer who you are showing […]
If your life is not going the way you want, check your habits. Today was rough. Over the last few months maybe about 6 months ago where I have given up candy. Today, I had a dessert, soda, lemonade, candy, all the stuff I don’t need. I did pretty good, giving up candy, dessert were […]
We cannot control others. We just cannot. No matter how hard we try, people do what they want for the reasons they want. The more we try to control others we push people away. No one wants to be around a controlling freak, of course we always think we know better than everyone else. We […]
A Journal is a best friend that never tells your secrets. A journal is like therapy on a page. As long as you are honest and you ask the right questions. But putting your honest feelings down on a page helps in the healing process. A journal is sometimes all you have in the middle […]
If you have something good or positive to say or something to teach, do it now. If not, you lose the passion and the enthusiasm you had initially with it. The longer you keep it in, the more you will second guess sharing it. People need to hear your wisdom, lessons, knowledge, experience and education. […]
I don’t want to bring shame to God. I don’t want to be a false prophet. I hesitate talking about the Word of God (scriptures) – saying anything about God. I don’t want to say anything that is not right when it comes to God. I only want to give him glory. I think we […]
We move too fast doing nothing, going nowhere fast. We rush through the day trying to get as much done as possible. We move fast so we don’t have to pay attention to what matters – How we feel. Moving fast becomes routine. Day in day out the same thing over and over. Nothing changes-work, […]