What needs to change

Let’s face it. We all have things in our life that need to change. The question is what and how can we change them.    No one wants to change. I don’t know what is worse, the fact that change is messy or the fear of the unknown.  Either way we can do without every […]

Change your life whenever you want to

You can change your life whenever you want to.    You don’t have to keep doing or accepting what you have been getting. You can change.    You can start doing something different. You can raise your standards and start tolerating less bull crap.    The choice is yours. No one can make this choice […]

How we spend our free time can improve our life or destroy your life?

How do you spend your free time? There are 24 hours in a day.  We all have plenty of time each day to work on our goals and dreams.    We need to pay attention to what we do daily in our free time. We can’t get that time back.    Until we plan our […]