Let’s face it. We all have things in our life that need to change. The question is what and how can we change them. No one wants to change. I don’t know what is worse, the fact that change is messy or the fear of the unknown. Either way we can do without every […]
In my darkest hour, I began to call on God. We all need someone. We need a person who is concerned about us. Who knows when something is wrong. We need our person. A person that cheers us on. A person who wants us to win. A person who prays for […]
You can change your life whenever you want to. You don’t have to keep doing or accepting what you have been getting. You can change. You can start doing something different. You can raise your standards and start tolerating less bull crap. The choice is yours. No one can make this choice […]
I am talking to myself. I do stupid stuff. I have to just stop it. I am tired of doing stupid stuff. I have to start stopping and thinking before I do these stupid things. It mainly is regarding money. I give way more than I should. I give to people who are not […]
How do you spend your free time? There are 24 hours in a day. We all have plenty of time each day to work on our goals and dreams. We need to pay attention to what we do daily in our free time. We can’t get that time back. Until we plan our […]
Am I too busy for my kids? They come in to speak to me and I am frustrated because I am doing something. I am busy. I don’t want to be bothered at the moment. But they matter to me. I want to listen. Some of what they’re saying I don’t understand. Some of it […]
We don’t look at our dreams enough. If we look at our dreams more often, it will keep us from getting distracted. Our dreams keep us excited and give us hope. Our dreams are our dreams for a reason. They will gnaw at us forever. They will never escape us. They’re there for us to […]
Are you waiting to be accepted? Are you waiting to be loved? Are you waiting for a break? Are you waiting for things to change? Are you waiting to get what you want? [Fill in the blank?] It seems a lot of us are waiting on something – Circumstances to change. It turns out that […]
How many times are you going to let a man tell you he doesn’t want you. He will show you how it feels by his actions not his words. Anyone can say anything. Actions matter, words don’t matter as much. Why are we scared of success? Failing? What’s so bad about failing? Can one person […]
We should push ourselves to go as far as we can. I read years ago that we reach less than 20% of our potential. That means that we don’t reach 80% of our potential. Wow. What a waste. Imagine what we could become if we use 75% of our potential. What if we could use […]