There is a lot to learn. It is a roller coaster for a while. This advice will help you get started. Make your family a priority. Get good at listening. Take responsibility. Care about your people, really care.Get to know your people. Listen with your ears, eyes and heart. Get good at asking questions. Develop […]
With positive words With positive images With positive thoughts With positive videos With positive reading With Word of God/ scripture Prayers Laughter Being grateful/words of thankfulness Good deeds Worship music Inspirational music Affirmations Positive expectations People top in your field People you admire Motivational speakers Autobiographies/biographies Favorite quotes/sayings Review positive words others have said about […]
While leaders ask a lot of questions of others throughout the day they also have to ask themselves a lot of questions to stay on track. Sitting with these questions will help keep us on track. Sometimes we are going around and around on a hamster wheel and don’t know how to get off. Answering […]
Quitter’s day is the day when most people quit on their goals. If this is you, it is a great day to start again. This is your life. Don’t quit on yourself. Just begin again. You can do this. You have this desire because you can do this. You deserve to be successful. […]
Create. Write. Paint. Take a picture. Cook. However you create, never stop creating. Have fun. Share your best with the world. People are coming out with products and services daily. They are making millions and billions by stuff that might seem silly. We often think-who would buy that? I wouldn’t never buy that. We might […]
Do it now. Don’t wait. Don’t think about it. Just do it. Do whatever it takes. Don’t let yourself off the hook anymore. Schedule it and do what you should do no matter what. Don’t take no for an answer. You know you need to do it to make your life better. Do it now. […]
Are you taking enough action? Most of us need to do more. In order to get the results we want, we have to take more actions. I get it. When we started out, we didn’t realize all the actions we would need to take to get the results we want. Sit down today. […]
Yesterday was a rough day for me. I had unrealistic expectations. I thought it would be easy. I thought it would be quick. Unfortunately it took longer than I thought and the results weren’t what I thought it would be. We all have them. We can’t avoid them. We have to be prepared for […]
Do we ask God for what we want specifically? Have you ever been vague with God? Have you ever not really given enough thought to what you really want but thought it would magically appear and be perfect. I don’t have to tell you it doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes, it is […]
All too often we only see what is wrong in our life. But there is a lot of good going on in our life. We have to embrace it. Because life can change in an instant. I remember being young and naive, never really experiencing death. One day my grandmother fainted while walking […]