There is a lot to learn. It is a roller coaster for a while. This advice will help you get started.
- Make your family a priority.
- Get good at listening.
- Take responsibility.
- Care about your people, really care.Get to know your people.
- Listen with your ears, eyes and heart.
- Get good at asking questions. Develop a child like curiosity.
- Tell the truth. Do what you say you will do.
- Emotions are contagious.
- Put others’ needs before your own.
- Stay positive. Be optimistic.
- Pay attention to what is said and what is not said.
- Observe body language yours and theirs.
- Get results. Get things done. Don’t waste time.
- Your job is to serve.
- Think. Think. Think. Spend time thinking about solutions.
- Learn from your mistakes and others’ mistakes.
- Don’t gossip.
- Praise in public and private. Offer constructive criticism or feedback when needed not once a year in private.