What are morning pages?

What are morning pages?

Morning pages are three journal pages you write first thing in the morning. 

You write down any and every thing that comes to mind. There are no rules. It is called stream of consciousness. 

It is to clear your mind so you can focus on what is important. 

You are not supposed to take your pen off the paper or your hands off the keyboard. 

You just keep going no matter what. You can write anything until something comes to mind. 

It helps everyone. It clears your mind so you can focus. 

Morning pages originated from Julia Cameron. 

It just helps. I can’t explain why or exactly what it does. I just know it helps. 

It helps to put it all down on paper. You can feel sorry for yourself or talk ugly or talk about anyone on the paper. 

You can keep it or tear it up. You never have to read it again or show anyone. 

You can just lay it all out on the papers. Your worries, fears, dreams, goals, what you are grateful for or whatever just put it all down. 

I believe I will do it forever, some days it just flows, some days I struggle but I just keep at it. 

I keep writing because I know it will help me emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  It means leaving all the emotional baggage on the page. 

It’s being honest and open where I can’t be.

Have you tried Morning Pages? What did you think about it? If you haven’t ever tried it, will you try it?