For some reason, people think that life isn’t hard for everyone. It is. Life is hard for everyone. We all go through ups and downs.
We all have had really dark times. There is no way around it. If you have a pulse, then you will have some dark days.
The thing is having a good attitude and really being thankful it is as well as it is. It could always be worse. Trust me.
It is the way you look at it when things are hard. I have noticed, if we aren’t paying attention to our thoughts-one thought can run wild. That one thought can turn something minutiae into a snowball, when it never should have been.
Be mindful of your thoughts. Never let them run wild and do what they want. Pay attention to your thoughts. Control them. Stop and cancel out any negative thoughts you may be having.
Remember the Serenity Prayer
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Reinhold Niebuhr
If you can change something, then do it. Anything you can’t change, can you change the way you look at it? Can you look at it differently?
We all face adversity. A Lot of things are about adversity. Napoleon Hill said “Within every adversity is the seed of an equal or greater opportunity.” I believe this to be true. We often can only see the adversity but there are so many opportunities within that adversity.
Just like there are so many millionaires made in a recession. We can agree recessions are bad for a lot of people. It is because of the way they look at it with fear and panic instead of how can I make the most of this.
Especially if we know that with each recession, millionaires are made, it would seem more people would try to determine how to become one.
Jim Rohn said “Life is like the seasons.
I have had plenty of hard times in my life like when my husband cheated on me. I had 3 miscarriages in less than 2 years. I was fired more times than I can count and the list goes on and one.
What I know to do is keep moving-put one foot in front of the other and keep going. I am not saying you won’t have to rest. Sometimes that is exactly what you have to do..
Just know you can do hard things. The hard things make us stronger, better, wiser.